Wednesday, March 18, 2020

For Such A Time As This

Artists, this is when your calling is at its peak.

There is no question that one of the hardest professions in the world, especially right now, is the medical field.  In addition, those in law enforcement, teaching, the Church, and yes even government have a crucial role to play right now.

But what about artists?  What is our role?  And is it important?  I don't think it could be any more important than it is right now.  And here's why:

We are in the business of creating and presenting beauty to the world.  And let's face it, the world is chaotic right now.  Whether it's justified or manufactured, there is worry and fear, and that is something that spreads faster than any virus.  So, while people are in self-quarantine, I can fairly well bet they are looking for ways to get their minds off of the craziness around them.  Enter: The artist.

It's interesting to note that the more independent people become, the more creative they become.  At least that's my experience.  I work completely on my own as an artist, and over the years I've not only had to become more creative as a painter, but as a professional.  There is a lot of trial and error that goes into being self-employed, and I'm still learning as I go.  Same goes for those of us trying to come up with ways to keep ourselves entertained and sustained as we go through this strange time.  We're being creative because we have to be.  I often hear people say to me, "I wish I was creative."  Trust me, you are.  And this season we're in may be proving that to you right now.  Whether it's finding ways to connect with people, ways to self-entertain, ways to make money, etc.  We're having to be creative about it.  God built you that way.  You are His creation, made in His image, and therefore you are a creator too.  God created us out of love, and our reason for creating should also be as such.

But artists are on a different level of creativity.  Those seeking out ways to take their eyes and minds off of the chaos are turning to artists - be it fine art, music, film, or literature.  It is our calling to be the creators of beauty to remedy the ugly. 

I'm not an idealist by any means.  I don't try to be.  I live in the real world.  But I know that sometimes my work has affected people in a positive way more so than I intended it.  I know this because people at my shows have told me directly.  I say this not to boast, but to say to artists:  Your calling is a great one.  Sometimes all I try to do is literally "paint a pretty picture."  But sometimes that pretty picture transcends my intent for it.  You may look at your own creation and think it's nothing special or has its flaws, and that may be the only thing you see in it.  But you have no idea who else is looking at it and sees the sublime in it, and is profoundly comforted by it. 

I love the joke I see about this virus in regards to artists - You may see self-quarantine and social distancing as a huge inconvenience to your life.  I see my daily routine.  Funny, but it's got some truth to it.  I have honestly not done much of anything different in response to the pandemic or national/state declarations/advisories, etc that I normally do day to day.  Still working every day.  Still washing my hands as often as I usually do.  After all, I work with some nasty materials and it requires hand-washing often.  But the one thing that has me concerned is how it affects shows, and the people who will not be attending those shows.  My work is dependent on eyes seeing it.  And if eyes are not seeing it, then it hurts my mission and purpose as a professional, and the success of those paintings. 

With that said, I do still have shows happening now, and more upcoming.  But I would also ask if you haven't yet, please follow me on Facebook and Instagram to see what I'm up to, shows where my work is available, and the new pieces I'm working on.  And as always, please don't hesitate to inquire about a work that you are interested in.  Send me a message at  And lastly, do whatever you can to look at art.  Allow it slow your life down and bring peace.

Finally, to you artists:  Get to work.   

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